Foundation Stories

written by Shelley O’Brien, Development Director

As part of Johnson County Library’s Comprehensive Master Plan, Spring Hill and DeSoto branches will be undergoing renovations in 2025 to create and improve gathering spaces, update technology, and enhance kids’ areas. In addition to updating the building, there will be new finishes (new carpeting, paint, furniture) and more intuitive collection layouts.

While the Library is updating these two branches, the Johnson County Library Foundation is raising funds to add interactive early literacy units. Interactive literacy units are designed by educators and librarians to develop the same essential pre-literacy skills as JCL’s enormously popular early literacy program, 6 by 6, Ready to Read: letter knowledge, print awareness, phonological awareness, vocabulary, print motivation, and narrative skills.

These early literacy units are colorful and child-sized, drawing children to them and introducing the concept of letters as a 3-dimensional game or puzzle. They are also nearly indestructible, with sturdy, interchangeable panels that provide fresh experiences for children while using existing equipment. More like a playground to children, these are uniquely effective teaching tools.

A major benefit of the interactive units is that they are available during all open hours of the Library. This means that even if there are no scheduled storytimes or other Library activities, families are able to enjoy the Library and have meaningful, interactive experiences on their own–especially important for parents and caregivers who can only bring their children to the library in the evenings or on weekends.

The Johnson County Library Foundation’s goal is to raise $40,000 total for an early literacy unit in both Spring Hill and DeSoto. After these two units are placed, every single Johnson County Library branch will have an early literacy unit – which is amazing and shows our commitment to childhood literacy!

So far, the Foundation has raised $5,000 from an individual contributor towards the goal. If you are interested in donating, please know all amounts are welcome, and may be reserved to this fund. Fundraising for these funds will be a group effort to enhance these two new children’s areas.

If you are interested in learning more about Spring Hill and DeSoto early literacy units, or making a contribution to this fund, please email or call Shelley O’Brien at [email protected] or (913) 826-4720.

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